In the tiny but mighty state of Connecticut, an enchanting place known as the "Nutmeg State," countless kids participate in water activities, turning its numerous lakes, rivers, and coastline into their personal playgrounds. Amongst them is our hero, a 10-year-old speedo-clad daredevil named Max 'Mermaid Maneuver' Murphy who has a knack for aquatic adventures. Max, with his quirky rubber duck floaties and vibrant rainbow goggles, is famous for his legendary cannonballs into the Atlantic Ocean, causing waves that could be felt all the way to Rhode Island. His water-shooting superpower adds to the hilarity, as he launches surprise water attacks on his unsuspecting friends. He is crowned as the "Splash King" and even the mischievous river nymphs can't outsmart him in a water fight. In the pristine lakes of Connecticut, Max is the undefeated champ of the thrilling paddleboat races. Even the geese cheer for him. And when he is on the Connecticut River, he becomes the 'Mighty Master of the Mystic,' performing sea-shanty worthy kayaking stunts, leaving the river otters in awe. But the funniest spectacle of all is when Max goes fishing. As the saying goes in Connecticut, "Max doesn't find the fish, the fish find Max". It’s a hilarious scene as fish of all sizes comically leap into his bucket, voluntarily surrendering themselves. In Connecticut, the sun shines brighter, water feels fresher, and laughter bounces louder, all because of these spirited water-loving kids, led by Max 'Mermaid Maneuver' Murphy, the ultimate water adventurer. So, if you ever find yourself in the Nutmeg State, you know where the real fun is - in the enchanting waters with Max and his merry band of aquatic enthusiasts.

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best water-activites programs in Kent, CT

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Swift Nature Camp is the perfect place for your child to spend their summer! Our overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6-15 is located in beautiful Wisconsin. We offer a unique blend of traditional summer camp activities and environmental education to help kids increase their appreciation for nature, science, and the environment. We’ve got it all – fun, friendships, adventure trips, and nature! Spend your summer with us – you’ll never forget it!

Minong, WI 54859
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KenMont Camp for Boys, KenWood Camp for Girls, established in 1924. Each summer, boys and girls ages 8 – 15 come to Kent, Connecticut for the best summer ever! KenMont is the brother camp of KenWood Camp for Girls — a completely separate camp with its own facilities and staff. Together, the two camps operate under the leadership of director, Hylton Wener. Different from co-ed, the boys spend 90% of their time with other boys. It’s like going to a boys’ camp, but better! There are two 4-week sessions each summer. It’s a complete camp experience including special event days and Color War. Campers in each session arrive together and leave together, fostering the optimal social dynamic for camp living and the development of friendships. KenMont and KenWood Camp provides a sleepaway experience for campers, family and staff that focus on physical, emotional and social accomplishments. Our team models a strong sense of character and the ability to accept challenges that help build life skills, independence and personal growth. We carry with us KenMont and KenWood’s traditions and memories as a guide to live, share and connect as part of our community.

Kent, CT 06757