In the tiny, yet robust state of Connecticut, often whimsically referred to as the Nutmeg State, a group of vivacious youngsters have discovered a new passion - kickboxing! Tucked between the hustle and bustle of New York and the serene landscapes of Rhode Island, Connecticut is a delightful mix of city lights and country sights. It's a place where you might spot a daring squirrel lazily nibbling on a nut at one moment and a tie-clad businessman rushing to work the next. But it's not just about squirrels and businessmen here. Oh, no! It's also home to the most fearless kickboxing kids this side of the Mississippi! Led by their unflappable coach, a ginormous, mustachioed kangaroo named K.O. Kango, these kids are learning the art of punch and kick with unmatchable enthusiasm. The kids affectionately call him Coach K.O., and he's as tough as a grizzly bear who hasn’t had his coffee yet, but as kind as a koala snuggling her baby. He teaches the kids not just to kickbox, but to respect others, to be disciplined, and to laugh at themselves when they occasionally tumble on their bottoms (it's all part of the training, you see!). These Connecticut kids, every single one of them, are as diverse as the state itself. They are bold, they are brave, they are hilarious. From Lucy, the girl who loves to kickbox in her bright pink tutu, to Timmy, who somehow always manages to wear his kickboxing gloves on the wrong hands, each one brings their own unique flavor to the team. Together, they make Connecticut a whole lot more exciting, one kick at a time!

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best kickboxing programs in Orange, CT

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At Fighting Fitness, we strive to honor the athleticism, joy, and thrill of boxing and kickboxing. Our customized workouts are designed to help you achieve unprecedented results in body and mind. Whether you are looking to become a hobbyist boxer, a professional boxer, or a martial artist, Fighting Fitness is the perfect place to find instruction, events, and merchandise to support your passion. So, stay alert and get ready. When you hear the bell, you will embark on a journey to improved physical fitness, higher self-confidence, and a feeling of gratification that you won't find at the gym! At Fighting Fitness, we are excited to celebrate the action, fun, and excitement of the boxing and kickboxing world. We have created a personalised exercise system to help you reshape your body and mind like you never thought was possible. Whether you are just starting out or an experienced martial arts enthusiast, Fighting Fitness provides access to tutorials, events, and merchandise to explore the deep traditions of boxing and kickboxing. So, keep your guard up and chin down! When the bell rings, you will begin your journey towards better physical wellbeing, greater self-confidence, and a sense of accomplishment that you won't find at a regular gym.

Orange, CT 06477